  • 0304 780 6660
  • House No.22, Park Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore
11am to 10pm Mon to Sat - Sunday is off
HIFU Treatment in Lahore | Cosmolux Hair & Skin Clinic


What is HIFU?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic treatment for skin tightening that some consider a noninvasive and painless replacement for face lifts. It uses ultrasound energy to encourage the production of collagen, which results in firmer skin.

How soon you see results?

HIFU can take up to 6 or 8 weeks to see results.



Duration between sessions?

To get long-lasting results, we recommend two HIFU treatments in the first year spaced six months apart

After Care

  1. Try to prevent yourself from exposure to sunlight and cold for a few weeks.
  2. It is also important that you increase your water intake and stay hydrated after your treatment, also avoid caffeine and alcohol for 48 hours afterwards, even longer if possible for optimal results. Your regular regime can be followed immediately, but avoid using skin products that may irritate for 24 hours afterwards.
  3. Skin products like Vitamin C, retinol products, benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid can be resumed three days post-treatment.
  4. Avoid using tweezers, waxes and depilatory creams until at least 3 days after the treatment. Avoid hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and heavy exercise for a couple of days. Use only a light exfoliator and moisturiser on the day of the treatment. Thus, it is important to choose cool showers to soothe your skin after HIFU.